Friday, November 21, 2008

old home being moved,Gramma's Friday Ritual

F.Y.I. This is the big home next to the Cemetery on 212 & across from the former Walmart. They are moving it to Clearlake and will be building some condos on the property.

Gramma making herself beautiful, with a little help from Betsy.


Marsha Lueck said...

How fun! I love how they can move those huge homes around like nothing. Tell Grandma she is always B-e-autiful, it's the pampering she likes(wink, wink)Love you guys!

kelcy said...

I can't believe therer moving that house. I'm jealous! wish I could
have someone do my hair!! You look great grandma! we Love you


ALyce said...

Oh, I can't wait to see grandma! I'm coming home in January, so we'll we you soon!