Sunday, August 16, 2009


The farm,garden,driveway

This year we have added to our gardening. We put in strawberries and raspberries. We had 3 old cane produce for us yeah, so that was nice to get a few raspberries this year. Next year we will get both!
also the grass we put in down the middle of the back half of the driveway has filled in, mowing it and looking good.

The deer

I was looking out our back patio and there was the mama deer running down the side of the yard by the trees,and then came bambi one and two. Isnt it fun to live in SD!

Monday, August 10, 2009

1st & 2nd picks of green beans

This was my 2nd picking of Peas 3/4 bushel, 1 colander and a gallon bag 3/4 full. A lot of work but they are good.

This was my 2nd picking two bushels and a quarter.
I put up 6 quarts and 38 pints.

My first pick for green beans to groc. bags full put up 14 quarts.

peas from the garden, 1st time for this VEG

Pickled Beets

This year I grew a lot of beets but, the deer found them in the big
Garden so, this was all I had left to can. But it was enough. I had almost a bushel and ended up with 23 pints.

Memorial Day on the Skogens side

Memorial Day

We started Memorial Day off by going to church

Then after a nap we went for a drive. We went to the cemetary in
Hammer, SD and saw the graves of our realitives and the old house of
Gradma Olsen's